Tuesday 29 July 2014

Ramadhan 29 / Juzz 29 - Worldly benefits of seeking forgiveness

Ramadhan Day 29 / Juzz 29

"And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers. And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers."[Nuh:10-12]

In these ayahs, Nuh (as) is telling Allah what He did with his nation, what he accomplished, and how things didn't really change in the ways of his people. But Allah chose tthis passage and in it is a beautiful gift.

The gift is, what do you genuinely get when you seek forgiveness, in addition to having your sins forgiven?

There are a few of those gifts mentioned in these ayah.

"He will send rain upon you in [continuing] showers." Notice, rain used to come upon the people of Nuh (as), but it was full of death. But Allah is saying, if you seek forgiveness, I will give you rain that is full of life. If you're living in a city of drought, from this ayah we learn, one way for you to get rain to come is to make Istighfaar (repentance).

"And He will increase you in wealth and children." Meaning, you will live a good worldly life, full of all the blessings you can enjoy, and "He will provide for you gardens and rivers."

Our deen comes with worldly packages too. Genuinely asking Allah for forgiveness means Allah will shower you with worldly blessings whilst you are getting ready for the blessings of the Akhirah. What a beautiful religion.

You didn't have to ask for rain, children, money or gardens. You just had to ask Allah to forgive you, He is so happy with your repentance that He will give you the gifts that mean so much to you. For Him, these things are nothing, but forgiveness to Allah is treasured. He loves when you seek forgiveness from Him.

Also, today perhaps may be the last day of Ramadhan. Increase in your repentance and your Du'aa and ask Allah sincerely to forgive your sins in these precious moments.

 O Allah, accept our Ramadhan. Accept from us our Qiyaam, Siyaam, Ruku', Sujood, and Du'aa. O Allah, allow us to witness many more Ramadhan's for years to come, ameen.

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