Tuesday 29 July 2014

Ramadhan Day 16 / Juzz 16 - Shake that tree!

Ramadhan Day 16/ Juzz 16

"And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said, "Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten." But he called her from below her, "Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream. And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates." [19:23-25]

Maryam (as) was leaning against this tree, in severe severe pain and in dire need. The exruciating pains of labour were too much for her to bear and she needed help, some water, or perhaps a morsel of food to grant her some energy and some strength.

What did Allah tell her to do? He told her to shake the tree so that from it would fall fresh dates that would aid her in her pain. "And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates." Allah ordered Maryam to do her part by shaking the tree so that then the dates would fall.

SubhanAllah, even with the immense pain she was going through, Allah was teaching Maryam (عليها سلام) and us all a beautiful lesson. That is, that success lies in us working hard and putting in our effort. Success will not suddenly come to us if we sit around doing nothing. Allah could have easily let those dates drop without having Maryam shake the tree! Yet, He wanted us to know that In our hardest, most difficult times, we must keep pushing forward.

You may be at the peak of your test and at your wits' end, but don't give up, muster up your strength and push through that last mile, and Allah will do the rest. In other words, the dates will not fall unless we shake that tree and by the permission of Allah. Similarly, success cannot be earned without us working hard for It. Sometimes we sit around *waiting* for things to happen. Yes, nothing can happen without Allah's permission but what are we doing? Where's our effort in it all? Are we really giving it our best? Remember, tie your camel and then put your trust in Allah. In other words, shake that tree and watch those dates fall.

SubhanAllah, even with the immense pain she was going through, Allah was teaching Maryam (عليها سلام) and us all a beautiful lesson. That is, that success lies in us working hard and putting in our effort. Success will not suddenly come to us if we sit around doing nothing. Allah could have easily let those dates drop without having Maryam shake the tree! Yet, He wanted us to know that In our hardest, most difficult times, we must keep pushing forward.

You may be at the peak of your test and at your wits' end, but don't give up, muster up your strength and push through that last mile, and Allah will do the rest. In other words, the dates will not fall unless we shake that tree and by the permission of Allah. Similarly, success cannot be earned without us working hard for It. Sometimes we sit around *waiting* for things to happen. Yes, nothing can happen without Allah's permission but what are we doing? Where's our effort in it all? Are we really giving it our best? Remember, tie your camel and then put your trust in Allah. In other words, shake that tree and watch those dates fall.

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