Tuesday 29 July 2014

Ramadhan Day 14 / Juzz 14 - Seeking Refuge

Ramadhan Day 14 / Juzz 14

"So whenever you recite the Qur'an, [first] seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the expelled [from His mercy]." [Nahl:98]

Allah begins this ayah by saying "whenever you recite the Qur'an" not "if you recite the Qur'an." This already teaches us something. That Allah *expects* us to recite the Qur'an so we should increase our recitation of it.

He (swt) then says, "Seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan." In other words, when you recite the Qur'an, Shaytaan will try to put you to sleep, he will try to put evil thoughts in your mind when your reciting, and he will make you remember the million things you need to do.

This will happen every time. Either when your praying Salaah, or trying to memorise or even learning about the Qur'an. Shaytaan will try his best to distract you.

So this commandment from Allah is in order to protect your relationship with the Qur'an, because Shaytaan will attempt to corrupt your experience when your reciting.

And this refuge were seeking from Shaytaan is not only because he will distract us but also he will make you misunderstand what your reading.

So remember whenever you begin reciting or memorising, say: A`ūdhu billāhi min ash-shaitāni r-rajīmi (أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم).

May Allah protect all of us and our relationship with the Qur'an, ameen.

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